リカーディアン・コントラクトとは何か? メモ





スマートコントラクトとの違いは、 プログラミングできる か、と 自動執行 などか?
注意) 私個人の解釈で、最も短くわかりやすく書いているだけなので、正確性は低い表現です。



  • 発行者によって保持者に対しオファーされた契約
  • 保持者が持っている価値に対する権利で、発行者によって管理されている
  • 人によって簡単に読むことができる (紙の契約書のように)
  • プログラムが読むことができる (データベースのように解析できる)
  • デジタル的に署名されている
  • 鍵とサーバの情報を運ぶ
  • ユニークで、安全なIDと結びついている



Programming The Blockchain in C#の説明


Open Bazzar

It’s a digital bill of sale and transaction record that is impossible to forge and cannot be disputed after being issued.
More detail?
A Ricardian contract is a contract between a buyer and seller, arbitrated by a trusted third party (the marketplace, for example, but the important thing is that it’s a reliable 3rd party).

A Ricardian Contract can be defined as a single document that is a) a contract offered by an issuer to holders, b) for a valuable right held by holders, and managed by the issuer, c) easily readable by people (like a contract on paper), d) readable by programs (parsable like a database), e) digitally signed, f) carries the keys and server information, and g) allied with a unique and secure identifier.
– Ian Grigg

Colored Coins

A Ricardian contract is a Contract which is cryptographically signed by the issuer, and can’t be dissociated from the asset.
So the contract can’t be denied, tampered, and is provably signed by the issuer.

Such contract can be kept confidential between the issuer and the redeemer.


In the simplest possible terms, a Ricardian Contract is a formatted document that is both human readable and program parsable. It identifies a Legal Issuer and an Issuance Server, and includes (OpenPGP) keys for those parties. The document is signed in (OpenPGP) cleartext form by the Legal Issuer’s contract signing key.

A unique identifier is formed by a canonical message digest (hash) which provides an unforgeable link to the accounting system.

A Ricardian Contract is used to issue digital currency, or value. The contract states the terms under which the value is redeemable, as well as the public key of the issue and the signature of the Issuer. In order to trade accounts denominated in a particular contract, the User must install the contract in his client. The account numbers are denominated in the hash of the contract, which means that the contract cannot be changed once issued. This protects the Users from the Issuer changing the contract after the fact.

A Ricardian Contract is a document defining a type of value for issuance over the internet.

It is simply a contract that defines a set of conditions for the instrument that can be read by both humans and computers and is signed with the Issuer’s public key.

They define some item of value identifying parties to the agreement.
They are cryptographicly signed.


In the simplest possible terms, a Ricardian Contract is an Ini-formatted document that is both human readable and program parsable. It identifies a Legal Issuer and an Issuance Server, and includes OpenPGP keys for those parties. The document is signed in OpenPGP cleartext form by the Legal Issuer’s contract signing key.


  • blockchain, ブロックチェーン
  • Open Bazzar, オープンバザール
  • Bitcoin, ビットコイン
  • Ricardian Contract, リカーディアン・コントラクト, リカーディアン契約










図解即戦力 ブロックチェーンのしくみと開発がこれ1冊でしっかりわかる教科書

ブロックチェーン イーサリアムへの入り口 第二版 (ブロックチェーン技術書籍)

